"This is awesome! Jessie is 100% interested and wants to keep growing her skills."

"I think your program really helped his game. He played with the varsity players and played well."

"Both girls are in! See you soon!"

"Definitely interested in this program and Tim is excited!"

"This is by far the most beneficial program she has attended."

"The fact that you taught the kids how to shoot without a ball was remarkable. I have never seen anything like that."

"This sounds awesome! I'll sign Shane up today!! Thank you for all you do to develop the best programs, most flexibility and affordability - you are amazing!!"

"That sounds great! You have a great program. We are in"

"I haven’t asked the boys, but I know the answer will be a resounding, "Yes", so you can count Aidan and Ryan in. "

"Kaiden has a blast and it is really eye opening how much improvement kids can achieve by focusing on fundamentals."

"I'm intrigued. We are in."

"I would like to hear a little more about this Box and One Program. Sounds like a good endeavor."

"I see them growing as players and with your training they can get to the next level of confidence and aptitude."

"Awesome. Count him in!"

"Trey loves it. He is in. Balancing flag FB and soccer, but in."

"Nic loves the program and works on the skills he learns with you."

"Thanks for this innovative approach to skills training!"

"What you teach these kids, and how you teach them is Priceless."

"Wonderful. We're in!"

*(Yes!… this means you… and Yes!… listen up)…   

Unfortunately, many families find out the hard way, and waste a lot of time and a LOT of money with a lot of different AAU programs and travel teams and leagues before finally finding out that “Box and One” Basketball will put your child in the best position for their future in the game of basketball. 

Players achieve their highest level of basketball skill due to our technical skill assessment programming. 

Optimal techniques, innumerable repetitions, and expert feedback every class.

We specialize in optimizing players’ basketball skills. 



Finally a training program that takes into account all the variables YOU care about — schedule, flexibility for parents, player groupings, costs — and gives you the best quality and player development experience!


“What you teach these kids and the way that you teach them is Priceless.”

2x Olympic Champion and 2x WNBA All-Star, USA Basketball

“Box and One” Basketball 

Let’s do this!

Box and One Basketball is a highly specialized program for kids and families that love basketball.  It’s the only youth basketball player development program of its kind. (There isn’t anything out there remotely close to what we do for kids and families). We tend to attract and align with great people that best align with us and the principles and philosophies of youth basketball player development.  

See for yourself.  

Technique. Reps. Feedback.

Work with the experts in basketball player development.   

We specialize in optimizing players’ basketball skills. 

Box and One has received only 5 star reviews from our members.  

 “Box and One” Basketball Members get access to 4 progressive levels of player development programming, specialized shooting classes conducted by experts, guaranteed merit-based scholarships to college, 1000’s of reps every class, meaningful feedback, technical video training, access to our Olympic Champion SEL Program, and 3 on 3 game nights!

See for yourself what the parents and kids say…    





A proven system of instruction that has been crafted and tweaked with REAL BASKETBALL PLAYERS OVER THE COURSE OF 20 YEARS.  A system that “de-mystifies” player development by making everything tangible and trackable — which is the key to getting better. 

"The best program ever!"

"My son loves going to Box and One. Highly recommend."

"Outstanding instruction tailored to my son’s needs. Highly recommend!"

"My boys both love going. The small class sizes are great. My boys have been playing basketball for a while now and this is the first and only program around that focuses on exactly what they need!"

"I am a professional athlete and have had the pleasure of being able to workout with Rich and Pete at Box and One. They are great. I really feel like I took my game to the next level and a lot of that was because of them! The skills they teach and their attention to detail really help you improve your game and become a better player. Thank you guys for everything!"

"Coaching and playing basketball for 40+ years, I have been apart of many basketball experiences. This concept which utilizes ball handling fundamentals has reinforced my belief of the major skill of ball Handling to be a necessity for all players at every level. I wanted my son to get an opportunity to learn from someone other than me. I am extremely satisfied with this program and what it provides. Anyone looking to improve their child's skills should look no further than Box and One."

"My daughter has been participating in the program for many years. We have been very pleased with the program. Rich and his team have highly focused sessions and waste no time transitioning from drill to drill. In addition, they provide positive, constructive feedback throughout the entire class."

"My son loves Box and One. It’s a great program for players who want to perfect their game. He’s learned a lot and improved so much already. The coaches are very nice and positive and the program schedule is very convenient. Highly recommend!'

"My 8th grade daughter is pretty new the game & wanted to grow as a player. We were looking for her to grow into a confident player. Her time in the gym with Box and One has done just that. Her ball handling and shooting have improved tremendously, as well as her ability to understand the game and her shot! We are grateful for the coaches who truly care about each player and their development!!"

"I have three children enrolled in the Box and One program and so far it has exceeded my expectations. They entered the program at different skill levels but I have already noticed a significant improvement in their ball handling skills and confidence level. I believe that todays developing basketball players are truly lacking in the basic fundamentals of the game. There is so much more emphasis put on playing and winning their games and not enough time spent on really teaching them what being a great basketball player means. It means mastering the fundamentals of the game first. Without the basics you will never truly become great. If you have a child that loves the game and really has the desire to push themselves to become better, this is a great place for them to add more tools to their toolbox."

"Rich and Pete do such a great job motivating the kids! Their program is exactly what we were looking for. My daughter can’t wait to get there and is so motivated by the drills she practices as soon as she gets home too! Highly recommend this program!"

"Every step of the way is explained to your child until muscle memory takes over. Rich is PHENOMENAL. He has the patience of a saint. It takes a real skilled coach to have faith in his training to know every child will get it without every getting frustated. If we lived closer I'd be there 2-3 times a week. Rich is worth the 50 minute drive for us and my daughter is already progressing. 8 years in basketball and she is being taught things no one ever thought (or bothered) to explain to her. Love this program."

"I approach most children's activities with a skepticism. Does the value for the money being spent on private lessons, travel programs, expensive gear, etc... help my children become better, safer, positive athletes? or Teammates? or People? With Box and 1, the answer is a resounding YES. This is a program that parents can get behind as their children are competing with themselves, taking responsibility for their performance, reflecting on their work, and assessing their progress toward goals. This program has results. Their are no egos to contend with. Everyone is equal here. My kids look forward to challenging themselves each and every practice. There is nothing like this out there.

"I think your program really helped his game. He played with the varsity players and played well."

"Both girls are in! See you soon!"

"Definitely interested in this program and Tim is excited!"

"This is by far the most beneficial program she has attended."

"The fact that you taught the kids how to shoot without a ball was remarkable. I have never seen anything like that."

"This sounds awesome! I'll sign Shane up today!! Thank you for all you do to develop the best programs, most flexibility and affordability - you are amazing!!"

"That sounds great! You have a great program. We are in"

"I haven’t asked the boys, but I know the answer will be a resounding, "Yes", so you can count Aidan and Ryan in. "

"Kaiden has a blast and it is really eye opening how much improvement kids can achieve by focusing on fundamentals."

"I'm intrigued. We are in."

"I would like to hear a little more about this Box and One Program. Sounds like a good endeavor."

"I see them growing as players and with your training they can get to the next level of confidence and aptitude."

"Awesome. Count him in!"

"Trey loves it. He is in. Balancing flag FB and soccer, but in."

"Nic loves the program and works on the skills he learns with you."

"Thanks for this innovative approach to skills training!"

"What you teach these kids, and how you teach them is Priceless."

"Wonderful. We're in!"

Box and One is for youth basketball players (ages 6-17) that want to play their best basketball.

Players attend small group classes that are highly focused on optimizing the technical skills of the game of basketball. Many of our youth players play multiple sports and play on multiple teams depending on the time of year. 

See the players at each level of class.

Technique. Reps. Feedback.

Essentials I 

Essentials II 

Breakdown Moves

Advanced Scoring

4 Levels of The Program: (leveled programming)


  • 4:00-5:15
  • 5:15-6:30
  • 6:30-7:45
  • 7:45-9:00     

Every day, we have leveled, small group classes for you. This gives your child consistency while giving you flexibility.  We recommend that every player comes to class 1-2x times per week whenever you can. That’s all you need. 

(All classes are 75 minutes).  

The rotating schedule of classes allows for parents to pick and choose the best day and time that works for you on any given week.  Mon-Fri, there are 4 different levels of “Box and One” Classes offered every day, Mon-Friday. 

Through optimizing a player’s skill sets, we optimize their potential.

Players master the programming at each level and graduate on to the next level.  

  • Level 1 – Essentials I 
  • Level 2 – Essentials II
  • Level 3 – Breakdown Moves
  • Level 4 – Advanced Scoring

Precision shooting classes and 3 on 3 game nights are also offered on a rotating basis. 

(4 key tenets and 4 key values)…

There are the 4 essential tenets to improvement: 

  1. Work with an expert teacher 
  2. Knowledge of optimal techniques
  3. Time for repetitions
  4. Receive meaningful feedback

Box and One’s unique value to kids and families is fourfold

  1.  Flexible scheduling 
  2. Flexible programming
  3. Flexible business model
  4. Player development experts with a specialized system that works every time!


“What you teach these kids and the way that you teach them is Priceless.”

2x Olympic Champion and 2x WNBA All-Star, USA Basketball

Technique. Reps. Feedback.

Work with the experts in basketball player development.   

We specialize in optimizing players’ basketball skills. 

Work with the experts in basketball player development.   

[ MVP Membership low in stock ] 

Work with the experts in basketball player development.   

We specialize in optimizing players’ basketball skills. 

Technique. Reps. Feedback.

A proven system of instruction that has been crafted and tweaked with REAL BASKETBALL PLAYERS OVER THE COURSE OF 20 YEARS.  A system that “de-mystifies” player development by making everything tangible and trackable — which is the key to getting better. 

(Systematized instruction that is more similar to martial arts training, with tiered programming, interconnected progressions, assessment driven programming, skill development, expected learning outcomes, personal responsibility, attitude, effort, achievement). 

“Box and One” Basketball has designed a very specific and measurable program curricula that assists players in modifying their practice habits through a series of timed assessments, technical progressions, repetitions, and expert feedback. In order to enhance every player’s understanding, players also observe videos tutorials of very specific technical skills with game applications prior to then receive hundreds of meaningful repetitions with invaluable feedback.

This formative and ongoing assessment process and feedback loop helps players learn faster with a greater understanding as to why they are making the technical adjustments and how mastering these skills influences their performance in games. Everything that is taught at “Box and One” Basketball has a purpose that is all interrelated and sequential. Each class level has a series of timed assessments, skill progressions, and technical video tutorials.  Players learn the most optimal movement patterns through guided repetitions at each level.  Upon satisfactory proficiency and competence in the skills at each level, players then graduate to the next level of the program and continue on their player development  journey. 


“What you teach these kids and the way that you teach them is Priceless.”

2x Olympic Champion and 2x WNBA All-Star, USA Basketball

We see so many kids that play AAU that are nowhere near as good as they can or should be. You’re not going to get where you want to be in basketball with these youth “AAU” teams. 

 We have worked with more All-State and All-Conference players than we can list on this website page. Literally hundreds of kids that have gone on to have outstanding high school and college careers over the years. Many of the players that we have worked with are presently playing in college, have previously played in college, some are even coaching major division 1 college programs right now.    

We like to keep our focus on you and your child’s player development.  

Our mission with “Box and One” Basketball is to help kids that love basketball become the most skilled players that they can become. We help youth basketball players reach an advanced level of skill and learn important social and emotional life lessons throughout the process. “Box and One” Basketball classes are all designed to help players experience success through repetition and skill-based programming.  

Trust the experts… We know what we are doing. 

Our expertise is in basketball player development and giving kids exactly what they need. 

Work with the experts.     

Location: Box And One Basketball, 150 Prospect St, Wethersfield, CT 06109, USA 

Description of Company“Box and One” Basketball gives parents the opportunity, flexibility, and affordability to have their children work with 2 player development experts on a consistent, ongoing basis at the most affordable and flexible rate.  When creating “Box and One” Basketball, we have been very thoughtful about the way that we have structured both the program itself for kids, and the pricing model or parents.

The Company And Management“Box and One” Basketball was created by Rich Walton, The Fundamental Man. Rich is also the founder of Skill Development Coach (Overview), and SDC Youth Scholarship Basketball Camps (overview) (how the scholarships work) partner to The United Way and Clifford Beers, and Co-Founder of Aim Higher Kids. Rich is also a vendor partner and private investor in Aces Nation

In the youth basketball marketplace, parents especially (and kids) don’t really know what kids really need for their development in order to be most successful in basketball.

That’s where we come in. 

Technique. Reps. Feedback.



FIVE (8) of our FINAL “Founding Members” JOIN BOX AND ONE…  



Schedule classes whenever it makes sense for your family. Pick the class that works best for you. 


Pay as you go classes means
you only pay for what you attend.


 That’s right. We guarantee basketball players will make dramatic on court improvements. 

Technique. Reps. Feedback.

[M.V.P. Membership low in stock 8 left] 

"This is awesome! Jessie is 100% interested and wants to keep growing her skills."

"I think your program really helped his game. He played in the Summer league with the varsity players and played well."

"Both girls are in! See you soon!"

"Definitely interested in this program and Tim is excited!"

"This by far was the most beneficial program she has attended."

"The fact that you taught the kids how to shoot without a ball was remarkable. I have never seen anything like that."

"This sounds awesome! I'll sign Shane up today!! Thank you for all you do to develop the best programs, most flexibility and affordability - you are amazing!!"

"That sounds great! You have a great program. We are in"

"I haven’t asked the boys, but I know the answer will be a resounding, "Yes", so you can count Aidan and Ryan in. "

"Kaiden has a blast and it is really eye opening how much improvement kids can achieve by focusing on fundamentals."

"I'm intrigued. We are in."

"I would like to hear a little more about this Box and One Program. Sounds like a good endeavor."

"I see them growing as players and with your training they can get to the next level of confidence and aptitude."

"Awesome. Count him in!"

"Trey loved it. He will be in. Balancing flag FB and soccer, but in."

"Nic loves the program and works on the skills he learns with you."

"Thanks for this innovative approach to skills training!"

"What you teach these kids, and how you teach them is Priceless."

"Wonderful. We're in!"


We have taken into account all of the variables, such as your schedule, the cost, player groupings, flexibility for parents, all into consideration for this model.  Small group classes available every day at different times with different levels of players for player groupings. Most kid make around 1-2 classes per week. Some weeks maybe only 1, some weeks, maybe even 3 (all depends).  But you just pay as you go. 
  • Affordable small group trainings
  • 4 categories of player development
  • 5 class options per week (Mon-Fri)
  • 20 classes per month (Mon-Fri)
  • Group trainings – MAX 8 Players Per Group
  • 1 hour and 15 minutes group training (with a pre-training warm up period) *all members are taught our warm-up routine and are instructed to arrive 15 minutes early and go through a guided warm up.

Location: 150 Prospect Street Wethersfield, CT