"This is awesome! Jessie was All Conference this year!"

"The fact that you taught the kids how to shoot without a ball was remarkable. I have never seen anything like that."

"I think your program really helped his offensive game. He played with the varsity players as a freshman and they could rely on him to make shots."

"Our girls really shot well this season. Thank you."

"By far the most beneficial shooting system. Really liked how it went through each step for the kids."

"What you teach and how you teach is Priceless."

"It has gotten to the point that I am surprised when he misses."

"Really eye opening how much you can improve by focusing on these mechanics."

"Thank you for creating this program."

"It really helped him fix some of the flaws. I could see them before, but didn't know how to them. Now we know. We fixed them all in an hour. Like you said, shooting "lights out."

"Thanks for this innovative approach to shooting! This is really what we all need. A systematic formula that is easy and fun to follow."


“Box and One” Basketball 

Lights out shooting system!…

(it works every time)

You have a lifetime of basketball ahead of you… don’t you think it’s worth spending 1 hour to shoot the most optimal way?

“I tell everyone just follow this system. You will never have to change your shot, or hesitate, or question your shot again for as long as you play basketball.”   

For the first time ever…“Box And One” Basketball has released its sequential “Lights Out” shooting system for non-members. This is the perfect shooting system for kids that love basketball that want to make game winning shots.

1000’s of players have used the “Lights Out” Shooting System. 

Here’s why it works every time:

Box and One “Lights Out” Shooting System helps you with the 4 biggest areas of shooting. Alignment, Consistency,  Rhythm, Trajectory.

Did you know that all great shooters miss straight and long? 

So, where do all bad shooters miss?… left, right, short.

Here is how The Box and One “Lights Out” Shooting System gets you shooting straight and long!…

There are about 15-30 important variables that go into shooting the basketball with optimal Alignment, Consistency, Rhythm, and Trajectory. Without an understanding of each of these variables and how to fix them, you are “shooting in the dark”. You’ll be trying to figure it out, but you will be shooting with flaws that will only become worse habits as you keep shooting. 

We address each of these variables for you along with the techniques to optimize your shot right away. You will shoot the ball straight every time within 1 hour!… Yes. You will be amazed.

That’s a guarantee when you follow the system.

Nearly every player, parent, and coach that has seen these concepts laid out step by step in short videos, has responded with… “I wish I knew this stuff when I was playing.”

(By the way… It’s super fun, too!)




“What you teach these kids and the way that you teach them is Priceless.”

2x Olympic Champion and 2x WNBA All-Star, USA Basketball

Each of the variables to shooting is broken down in one short video after the next. All you have to do is about 100 practice repetitions while you watch each 2-3 minute video. Many of the videos do not even require a basketball! You just need to do each movement precisely. We show you all of the techniques in great detail so you are never guessing. As long as you do the skills in sequence and maintain the previous skill that you learned previously, the system optimizes each of the shooting variables to get you to become a Lights Out shooter. That is a guarantee!

The video modules only take about 1 hour to learn it all!

You will be challenging your friends, teammates, and even your family members to shooting competitions in under 1 hour. 

Go through each of the videos one at a time, and learn the simple steps to becoming a “Lights Out” Shooter! 

Give yourself the best opportunity to light up gyms and shoot it in.

If you are getting  The “Lights Out” Shooting System for your child, teammate, player, or coach, just know that you are giving them the best quality and player development experience!  

“I felt compelled to write you guys. There’s no question in my mind that “Lights Out” Shooting System works. I just watched my daughter make 27 in a row. Crazy. Thank you!” – Jeff Keeling

These results are normal. You just need to know the steps and you will be a “Lights Out” Shooting success story, too.

The “Lights Out” Shooting System is carefully and thoughtfully designed to help you. First, we clarify every aspect of the techniques one variable at a time.  Then, you get the reps. The best part is, you will be able to self monitor and correct each movement of your shot. When you complete Box and One’s “Lights Out” Shooting System, you will become a great shooter. You will put each of the shooting elements together in one smooth motion, and you will be shooting with Alignment, Consistency,  Rhythm, Trajectory.

(It’s really simple, too! You just need to know exactly what to do) 

“Thank you. Of course, I was a skeptic when I was first reading. Seemed too good to be true. You delivered what you stated, which is impressive. I am currently recommending to every single parent on my son’s team.” 

(Just watch the videos and do the reps and you will get it).

“I have seen it in person. It’s pretty amazing.” – Elise McNeil 

We have just released Box and One’s “Lights Out” Shooting System to the public. Normally, you have to attend all of the shooting classes in person to learn The “Lights Out” System.

We are going to show you the techniques and what you need to do right on your mobile device. Just do the reps and master each part as we go.  

Many players have used “Lights Out Shooting” to score over 30 points per game, 1,000 points in high school, and have had great high school and college careers. It’s a very simple system to follow. Once you learn it, you will never forget it.

“You will never have to change your shot, or hesitate, or question your shot again for as long as you play basketball.”  


A proven system of instruction that has been crafted and tweaked with REAL BASKETBALL PLAYERS OVER THE COURSE OF 15 YEARS.  A system that “de-mystifies” player development by making everything tangible and trackable — which is the key to getting better.